The Revealing Death of Sam Kinison
It was about 8:30 P.M. Friday night on April 10, 1992, when comedian Sam Kinison was killed in a head on collision with a pickup truck. Kinison had just been married a week before and was travelling from Los Angeles with his newlywed wife, Malika, to a sold out performance in Laughlin, Nevada.
Kinison was completely sober, and drug free at that point in his life, but the teenagers barreling down the wrong side of the highway that night were smashed out of their minds.
Sam had seen the truck coming, and slowed his Trans Am down to just 15 miles per hour, but he wasn't wearing his seat belt. At impact he was thrown into the windshield, and suffered multiple traumatic injuries.
In the first moments after impact Kinison seemed as if he were going to make it, but within minutes he appeared to know he was about to die.
Witnesses stated that Kinison appeared to be holding a conversation in which he stated, "I don't want to die. I don't want to die."
As the conversation continued Sam said, "But why?"
And finally, Kinison stated, "Okay, Okay, Okay".
The last "Okay" was stated in a very gentle and loving manner, as if he were talking with someone he knew, and loved.
Efforts to resuscitate him failed. He was just 38 years old.
The Question Is - Are We Ever Truly Alone?
To whom, or what was Sam Kinison conversing with while he died?
Religious Answers Arrive Quickly - But At What Cost?
For those with traditional religious beliefs the answer might come easy for a religious person could offer the explanation that Sam Kinison was speaking to God, perhaps an angel, or even the Devil, or a demon.
The problem with religious explanations is that they offer an explanation without any means to test those explanations for validity. Such answers beg for more proof, and there never has been any when it comes to claims for the existence of a God, or afterlife. Religion itself all but eliminates the intellectual discourse and the rational quest for verifiable truth about the nature of reality, and human experience. For that reason I must dismiss any religious explanations, despite how warm, and wondrous it makes me feel about life, and death. While I do not reject God, I must not accept another human being's authoritarian religious explanation for anything for it would spell my doom as a creature desirous of rationality, and intellectual integrity. If there is a God I don't see that God as scornful of the scientific method as most fundamentalist believe God must be.
For those less inclined to ascribe, or accept, religious explanations an answer comes with less certainty, so I'll offer several, and in the end I must admit that these explanations are only possibilities with an undetermined level of assigned probability.
Explanation - A Near Death Hallucination?
Victims of brain trauma may be especially vulnerable to neurotransmitter level imbalances, and it would be easy to point to hallucination as the explanation for Mr. Kinison's final conversation. We all hold an inner dialog, even without being aware of that dialog at times. Under extremely stressful situations the conscious mind could rely upon a disassociated stated to filter out perceptions which would cause shock. In fact such a mechanism if it exist could very well be the result of brain design, and evolutionary selection. Those animals capable of maintaining a level of function while in extreme distress, and injury may have one last chance to survive. An elk which continues to kick while within the clutches of a predator may get lucky, and land a severe enough blow to the predator so as to escape what would seem to be an impossible situation. Therefore a flood of speed like neurotransmitters, and pain killing opiates perhaps paired with a hallucination of running might be designed within the very circuitry of the animal brain.
Kinison's "Hallucination" Would Have Been dysfunctional
If Mr. Kinison was only experiencing a hallucination, which allowed him to handle the extreme situation which he found himself in, then why did it take the form of a conversation in which Mr. Kinison was being informed that he was going to die? Such a conversation hallucination would seem only to add to Mr. Kinison's stress at precisely the moment he would need to be calmed. Why didn't the hallucination tell Mr. Kinison that he was going to live? If near death experiences are only hallucinations meant to help people get through a stressful situation it appears to have taken a rather odd form in the case of Mr. Kinison.
Occam's Razor - Are The Simplest Solutions Always The Best?
Despite any preference for a keep it simple Occam's Razor approach, which modern science purports is the best, I suspect that our culture's limited understanding of the workings of the human brain will one day show that the simplest approach isn't always the best when it comes to understanding human mind.
While I will always refrain from endorsing a religious approach to understanding human experience I do believe it is possible that a "religious" explanation has certain advantages under certain circumstances, and this might be one. There may be some wisdom intertwined within religious beliefs which can be dissected scientifically, and which may yield some possible explanations which are more holistic, more quantum in nature than a reductionist approach based upon our current and rather primitive understanding of the human mind.
Explanation - Interface With A Second Sentient Entity
Was it just a part of himself, or was Sam interacting with an another sentient entity?
If Mr. Kinison was conversing with another sentient entity what type of entity could interact with a dying man, seemingly from within his own mind?
MultiVerse Trans Dimensional Consciousness Symbiosis
If the electro chemical computer which underpins human consciousness were in some way connected to another sentience outside the confines of the human body this might explain the death accompanying experience. Some Multiverse theories (i.e., other world theories) state that every possible time line which is possible will exist, and that each time line is yoked to the other through entanglement.
Transdimensional entanglement would have allowed the brain to evolve into a electro chemical quantum computer, capable of "feeling out" every possible result of any calculation at incredible speeds, but due to causality restrictions only the subconscious mind is able to interface directly with the multitude of dimensions. The conscious mind is provided with only a fraction of the final product of any such calculation since the conscious mind is capable of collapsing wave forms.
In alternate timelines Sam Kinison is still alive because he wore his seat belt. Thus it is possible that Sam Kinison as he approached his death in this time line was speaking to his own subconscious in another time line through the process of entanglement. The restriction on passing "information" only applies in cases in which "information" would create a paradox. In dream states, or altered states such as the near death, and death accompanying experience the conscious mind takes a back seat to the subconscious mind. The subconscious watches, but mostly in a passive sense, and therefore can not disturb a timeline through a transtemporal paradox.
The Watchers
Another possibility is that an entity possibly non-biological based upon advanced technology has developed the ability to record human thought from a distance. Possibly opening nano scale wormholes at will in far flung regions of space time. Current theory argues that such a technology may be possible. If it is possible at all and any form of sentient life managed to survive long enough then it is probable that such a connection exist without human detection.
Such a civilization would be able to automate the process of opening nano scale wormholes by yoking particle accelerators to artificially intelligent quantum computers. Entangled particles could be injected through the nano scale wormholes and act as transdimensional sensors. Transdimensional interferometers would be capable of sensing weak electromagnetic fields generated by the brain across vast oceans of space and time.
The same technology could be used to network with other quantum computers in a subspace field - that is to connect to a human mind through a technological form of telepathy. It may be possible to record thoughts, spark memory recalls and record them, and recreate them in the same way the human brain does - download human experience into an remote artificial intelligence matrix - creating an afterlife at the point of death of a human being.
This could account for the thousands of stories which are referred to as near death experiences.
Wrap Up
Just what or whom was Sam Kinison speaking to while he was dying we may never know for sure, or more likely we already know, but the possibilities are much greater than just a hallucination, or even angels. The most important aspect of this event as I see it is that each of us "knows" our own fate. It is how we choose to use that information either consciously, or subconsciously that defines our life.
To all those offended that I chose not to review a religious explanation - ask yourself what then would there have been to review? If magic is involved we have no way of understanding any aspect of an event since magic and religion excludes the possibility of human understanding of the underlying process.
Note also, that for all I know Sam Kinison may be in heaven right now, but whether he is or not I would still be asking how it is that such a heaven could exist, and how it is that a God could accomplish the preservation of individual "souls".
With thousand word and thousand question on this...Not alone, but, maybe around!?...;-)
Your blog interest me and I will be back on the content here. I just want to tell that I was impressed by the quote of Tesla, not to many know about him.
(( hug ))
Pretty interesting. The answers, which we can’t verify.
I like the “Wrap Up” part, it kind of makes sense.
Fantastic post. I did a google search on "do people who pray heal faster?".. I got some interesting stuff. One article on MedicineNet ( discusses current studies underway by scientists on intercessory prayer. Intercessory prayer is when someone else prays for you. The results are not in but the fact that they are even looking at this seems to indicate that there might be something there.
There are many "side" benefits to praying including better health, less depression, and happier family life.
But to take religion out of my answer, I would guess that the voice Kinison was hearing was some protective mechanism in his brain, basically an illusion.
Hello from America, the desert of Arizona.
I happened upon your blog, as I was researching that event of the death of Sam Kinison, not too far from where I live.
I also would like you to expand if you would in the future about Tesla, and was that his direct quote when he was alive or is it a quote from him in the afterlife, (his vibration) coming thru a medium?
Very intruiguing stuff here, I'll stay posted.
Deb from Phoenix
I should do a follow up.
And will soon.
Hello there,
Just some comments, and not meant to "attack" you :)
I think this whole discussion boils down to: Do you believe in God?
You associate God with religion as if they are one in the same, inseparable. God is not religion, although many have made it appear that way, thus the automatic association. Just something to think about. God is as close to me as my closest friend with no involvement of organized religion.
Also, you state that you would need more "evidence" so that the "afterlife theory" (paraphrasing) can be tested. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence for things unseen.
Might I ask, how did you get here? You, individually. You could break it down into the science of things, but that only gets you so far. Inevitably one could say "The Big Bang Theory", then evolution...but the question remains. Where did those two masses in space come from? They had to come from somewhere.
There will never be a way to scientifically PROVE how we came about. God is real, regardless of who wants to believe in Him or His ways. He loves those who do, and do not believe. There is no way to understand, with our finite minds, the love and power of the Infinite. That is key. Many people assume that they possess the most advanced knowledge, and if they can't prove something than it can't be true. Taking a position of humility can be difficult.
Often, many get frustrated with the inability to prove with facts and figures claiming as you do, there's no real way to know if God or heaven exists.
To those who do not believe He does exist, I pose 2 Q's.
If you are right, and there is nothing after life, then my belief was a waste a time, no harm, no foul. I did things I didn't have to do, and believed things that weren't true. No consequences.
But what if you're wrong?
I do have to re-state, I'm not attacking you by any means. I just feel the need to, in the most loving way, tell you that God IS real. There IS a heaven.
I'd only ask that you to peruse the Bible. God put that here to guide you, knowing you'd have questions one day. Start with the New Testament, and just read some. You can even do it online. Come on, you take plenty of time reading blogs and blog comments like this one, so it's not like you don't have the time. :) At the very least, you would be able to say that you read some of the Bible and you can know why Christians feel the way they feel.
Take a few minutes out of your day to read this one page, and you may never be the same.
Here is a link, and I've referenced THE MESSAGE translation Bible. It's written in our current everyday language, being easier to understand, and if I might say, quite captivating. Colossians 1
Anonymous November 3rd:
I believe in God, and Jesus is my savior. However, I want to know how it is done.
My guess is that if I simply wrote "Sam Kinison Spoke With Angels", then I'd really have nothing at all to say.
I want to know how such a trans space-time-dimension interface is possible.
The Bible is a good place to look for answers regarding morality, and one's connection with God, however, it doesn't provide much in terms of how God does what God does - nor would it provide information about any advanced civilization which may have a means of connecting to us - looking like God - yet not God.
An advanced civilization, or natural explanation doesn't preclude God's existence. For all we know an advanced civilization of sentient micro-robots exist deep within the planet, and they may hold similar views on Jesus as I do - that he is the son of God.
Yet, I can't just say - hey, why is there a rainbow in the sky - and then answer - because of God.
Nor can I say - Sam Kinison appeared to be speaking with someone right before he died - and he seemed to know he was going to die - and then did - so it MUST have been God he was speaking with.
Let's look at what we do know, and find a scientific explanation first, and then see how God would do it using the laws of physics. My God is not only the God of the Bible, but also a God of Science and rationality.
Thank you so much for the comment, and for your link to the New Testament.
Hello again,
I'm "Anonymous" and I couldn't figure out how to sign my name without getting an account. Brilliance, I could have just signed it. Anyway, I'm Sherry.
And thank you so very much for your response.
You stated "I want to know how such a trans space-time-dimension interface is possible."
There's a book called "Beyond the Cosmos" by Hugh Ross that you may find very interesting. Here's the brief synopsis from an online site:
Ross first examines the implications of the newest discoveries in quantum and particle physics that demonstrate the existence of more than four dimensions. Building also on Einstein's general and special theories of relativity, the author shows that science can not only point the way to the existence of the Creator but can also show that God is and has always been able to operate in all the universe's possible dimensions. Ross applies this extra-dimensionality of God to explain the apparent paradoxes of several theological doctrines (e.g., the Incarnation, the Trinity, free will and predestination, etc.).
Additionally, I do agree with you when you state that when, by all accounts, Kinison appeared to be speaking with someone, we cannot know for sure who/what he was speaking with. For all we know, it could have been a hallucination. There is no humanly way to understand the "whys". At least not while alive on earth anyway :) And God knew that we'd question this. He knew we'd want to understand more. Job 11:7 (Message Bible) says
Do you think you can explain the mystery of God?
Do you think you can diagram God Almighty?
God is far higher than you can imagine,
far deeper than you can comprehend,
Stretching farther than earth's horizons,
far wider than the endless ocean.
I firmly believe we were created with finite minds, and The Bible holds just enough information for them, yet not the entire behind-the-scenes info.
Here's the full scripture verse:
Why? I don't know. I don't know why He is far more than we can comprehend. I don't know how or why He loves us, no matter what. But He does.
Again, I'd really like to thank you for your post, and taking the time to respond. Amazon has that book fairly cheap, and I think it may hold some answers for you.
I'm really not into blogging, but would like to leave my thoughts regarding comments about Sam Kinison. Having read about Kinison's death, and about his brief pre-demise encounter in particular, it simply further aroused my fascination with the paranormal, esp. as it has to do with the onset of dying.
I'm inclined to believe Kinison was indeed visited by a spiritual presence, if for no other reason than the overwhelming evidence of similar events reported from others witnessing them. The extraordinary realism and logical essence of some of those encounters are much too efficacious to ignore. It defies logical dogma that death is final; and to expect nothingness, after the layers of endurances this earthly sojourn presents, to me makes no sense at all.
I've read that Sam, before he began comedy, was perched behind a pulpit, waving a bible and screaming soul-saving, hell-fire-and-brimstone sermons.....presumably from which he wisely incorporated into his popular comedy routines. It's ironic that whether he really believed in what he was preaching or not, the truth for Sam began taking shape at the last remaining breaths he was awarded before he slipped away.
I'm really not into blogging, but would like to leave my thoughts regarding comments about Sam Kinison. Having read about Kinison's death, and about his brief pre-demise encounter in particular, it simply further aroused my fascination with the paranormal, esp. as it has to do with the onset of dying.
I'm inclined to believe Kinison was indeed visited by a spiritual presence, if for no other reason than the overwhelming evidence of similar events reported from others witnessing them. The extraordinary realism and logical essence of some of those encounters are much too efficacious to ignore. It defies logical dogma that death is final; and to expect nothingness, after the layers of endurances this earthly sojourn presents, to me makes no sense at all.
I've read that Sam, before he began comedy, was perched behind a pulpit, waving a bible and screaming soul-saving, hell-fire-and-brimstone sermons.....presumably from which he wisely incorporated into his popular comedy routines. It's ironic that whether he really believed in what he was preaching or not, the truth for Sam began taking shape at the last remaining breaths he was awarded before he slipped away.
In addition to my last post (if it posts??) is the true identity of just WHO Sam Kinison truly was....
He one of the Two Witnesses!
The second witness was Terri Schiavo.
These two people's lives directly mirror a man's life, the coming Messiah.
Bible Codes prove it, but the people that witnessed the last 39 months of this man's life (roughly 500+ people) and who will continue to "watch" for another 3 months, until about mid August 2010, are the one's that provide the ultimate proof and verification to the rest of the world.
(I.E.) The resurrection of the dead....of the Two Witnesses.
Sam's whole life and the timing and circumstances of his death + Terri Schiavo's life and death MATCH this one man's "ULTIMATE NIGHTMARE" that mirrors Jesus of Nazareth's life and ministry.
This man is not a preacher, he's not a priest, nor is he a member of ANY Church. He never read the Bible, but lived it to see it....cover to cover AND PROVED IT to 500+ witnesses that saw it all happen right in front of their own eyes!
And a note to those of you that believe Jesus of Nazareth to BE God and not the Son of God are in for a major shock when disclosure comes. Cuz when it all comes out, Christianity is going bye-bye!
Graymane, One second after you take your last breath you will realize their is a God.
" I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is."
When a rich man who died in scripture begs to go back to warn his relatives, the reply is basically, "I sent Moses and the prophets. Even if I send them, they will not believe." So it is with this author. Sam is not the only one, many have died and explained what they saw in the operating room afterwards. Many people have died and come back to tell amazing stories. Still many do not believe, even if it is their own brother, they continue to want God their way, like He is a dog. Or reject him outright. I myself had an experience that is too holy to share. Repent and know God. Sam knew him. He fell, but got back up again. I would like to believe they were angels, not demons.
Christianity isn't going anywhere.... has always been... there is no beginning or end to it. God loves us all.. and all we have to do is accept Him.
Christianity isn't going anywhere.... it has always been and will always be... there is no beginning or end to God... He loves us ALL, and we just have to accept Him. So easy. God loves us when we are good or bad... how could anyone not accept that unconditional love. I cannot imagine God not in my life :)
Seen sam in 84 at dangerfields he was an insperation
I like how the red print is sam speaking . In the bible red means God speaks ??
That's silly.
That is silly
Last poster. Back on your meds please. No conspiracy or secret signs crap. Jesus proved who he is. We are loved and we are part of Gods very essence. Jesus is LOGOS. The Word that brought all we know together. Disclosure? All you need to know is in the interaction with the thief on the cross. Remember me. Then, I tell you the truth,TODAY, you will be with ME in Paradise. Then days spent giving good news to THOSE WHO ALREADY PASSED INTO DEATH. So much for dying in your sin, as Jesus defeated death for ALL not just the organized believer. BTW. Greek translation described him a "hand laborer" not a "carpenter". There is more to the mystery than we can know FOR NOW. Eye has not seen nor ear has heard what God has prepared for his loved ones. See you on the other side everybody! Love to you ALL.
Sam Kinison blasphemed Our Lord Jesus who is both the only begotten son of God, begotten as in God from God, Light From Light, True God from True God, consubstantial of God the Father, begotten not made, before all things were made Jesus existed. That Blasphemy was both part of the mans act, and he would know as a son of a preacher to be Blasphemous. That he died violently enroute to yet another such performance is a clue. While I am not his judge, it is suggestive when you consider he was, by his violent death, prevented from offending God ever again. God said that at the mention of the Sacred Name of Jesus every knee shall bend, every head shall bow. Making that name the butt of a joke is satanic in origin.
Very well said! My beliefs are the same, I always want to know how and why God does what He does? I believe He created the laws of physics and works within them, as His superior intelligence has allowed Him to do. I also believes He can and does act outside the laws of physics most of us are just not equipped, within the confines of our mortal bodies to sense those actions (the supernatural) and for those who say they can, it cannot be proven, either way,
Sam was talking to his grandfather. I know.
Wake up people, Sam was talking to the person whom he always admired and who gave Sam all the special talents he had. His name is Jesus. And yes, if you are wondering, Jesus decided to take Sam home. Sam's work here on earth, was finished. God Bless all and Jesus loves you!!!
Yes. I read about this today, & thought he must have been talking to God. Seriously. But I'm agnostic. So that's weird.
But I believe now.
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