Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Fate of the World

Fully one in four registered voters, those who will vote for John McCain, and support George W. Bush, are so willfully uninformed, and so corrupt at heart that they hope and pray for things to stay the same as they have these last eight years.

These folk know they are the real Americans, and the rest of us are supporters of a Muslim terrorist socialist.


This is the state of America today, this November 2nd, 2008.

The rest of McCain's supporters, about half, no longer support Bush, and actually believe that McCain is a better alternative than Obama.


This is the state of America today, this November 2nd, 2008.

The fate of the world hangs in the balance, and it depends upon just a little more than half the electorate in the U.S. to stop the other half from ruining the nation, and harming the world any more than they have already.

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