Saturday, September 03, 2005

Prophecy and Katrina

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Artist: Dürer, Albrecht, 1471–1528

The Tsunamis that struck the Indian Ocean region on Christmas Day 2004 resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives.

Thousands of tourist, as well as hundreds of thousands of those living in Indian Ocean coastal communities were swept away by a series of tidal waves. Tidal waves destroyed many communities in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India, and Thailand.

Most people had no warning at all, or simply didn't understand the warning signs which were present.

The great difficulty in predicting Tsunamis, and then communicating timely warnings to specific regions on the globe is why so many people died last Christmas.

At this point we simply don't possess the technology, nor the organizational structure to warn of this type of disaster.

Yet, something very interesting appeared to have taken place during the Tsunami. When the survivors began the task of cleaning up after the disaster they noticed an interesting pattern. While they found thousands of people's remains few animal remains were discovered.

In a state wild life park in Sri Lanka, where elephants, large felines, and primates reside virtually no animals were lost despite the loss of many tourist who were in the park at that time

In an article which was posted on Slate.Com, just days after the Tsunami, Christine Kennedy ask what did Sri Lanka's animals know that humans didn't? She states:
"There's a good chance the wildlife knew trouble was on the way. History is littered with tales about animals acting weirdly before natural disasters, but the phenomenon has been hard for scientists to pin down. Sometimes animals get crazy before a quake, sometimes they don't. Here's what we know: Animals have sensory abilities different from our own, and they might have tipped them off to Sunday's disaster."
Ms. Kennedy's article goes on to suggest "Infrasound" as one possible explanation. Some scientist suspect that animals may have the ability to hear sound waves which are too low for humans to hear, and which may have alerted them to the tsunamis.

This may be the explanation, or perhaps it's something else. We may find that what animals are percieving has less to do with sound waves than it does with a type of instinct level prophecy.

In this age of faster than light speed particles, and multi-dimensional string theory such explanations are not as far fetched as the general public may be inclined to believe.

If a way of knowing into the future is possible it might be that animals simply felt uncomfortable being in certain areas, and simply migrated into areas which felt less stressful to them. And when the waves eventually came crashing over the land those places the animals felt most comfortable with were high ground.

As life, and the brain evolved in the ocean of faster than light particles selective adaptation would have lent advantages to those creatures which may have been able to make use of such perceptions.

People refer to unexplained animal behavior as instinct, but in humans we use such words as, guesses, hunches, and feelings. In a religious context we use words such as Holy Spirit, Angels, Demons, Prophecies, and Speaking in Tongues.

Perhaps all of these phenomena have a common scientifically understandable source?

As human beings continue to develop their understanding of the universe without and the universe within, we continue to confirm that the world without, and the world within are not as separate and distinct as previously believed.

Perhaps somewhere in the gulf coast region which was just devasted by Huricane Katrina there walks a man, or woman - one whom we might label insane, one unafraid to be different from our demands of conformity, one whom may have attempted to warn the community of the coming disaster.

One whom was defensively thrown a quarter by a passing office worker, or told to move on to the outskirts of town under the old bridge with the other trash living there - the trash which we have discarded in this modern sanitized age in which we live in.

In this modern age of dopamine inhibiting drugs (i.e., anti-psychotics) we may have already so disconnected from that part of our brains, so disconnected from our ability to see into the future that we no longer can benefit from what previous generations utilized, and valued in the past - prophecy.

The Bible is filled with stories of what becomes of cities, nations, and leaders which disconnect from their prophets, and it's never good.


Anonymous said...
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JeromeProphet said...

One word explitives don't sufficiently express your views, try again.


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